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tv   All In With Chris Hayes  MSNBC  January 22, 2021 5:00pm-6:00pm PST

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of 40, aaron hit his record-breaking 715th home run in his home stadium in atlanta and received an 11-minute standing ovation. a black athlete who exhibited incredible grace and strength in the face of great hostility was now being showered with applause. hammering hank aaron was 86 years old. tonight on "all in," joe biden and the fierce urgency of now. >> we're in a national emergency. we need to act like we're in a national emergency. >> tonight, white house communications director kate bedingfield on the president's call for action and the push for democrats to employ the
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mcconnell doctrine. >> winner's make policy and losers go home. breaking news on the start of impeachment as capitol insurrectionists attempt the trump made me do it defense in court. >> after this, we're going to walk down -- and i'll be there with you. >> all that and the congressman caught trying to bring a gun onto the floor of the house. "all in" starts right now. good evening from new york. i'm chris hayes. happy friday. one of the biggest differences between the last administration and this new one is the recognition at the very least of the depth of the crises we are in and the urgency they want to bring to fixing them. we've seen that with the executive actions the new president has taken in 2 1/2 days signing 28 executive orders and memos on everything from immigration, the climate crisis, economy, nutritional aid, and
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the basic facts of where we are right now is that, well, one party one and one party lost. but, of course, narrowly. it's a narrowly divided country. a deeply divided country and there are constitutional structures give huge advantages to the minority coalition. the party that lost which is, of course, the republican party. and that party and that coalition can use those tools to do tremendous damage to the country. we have seen them do it. we just made it through their attempt, a majority of congressional republicans and the leader of the party, the former president, their attempt to use the tools at their disposal to overturn the results of a democratic party election to install the loser over the winner against the will of the american people and therefore spell the end of american democracy as we know it. and all of those republicans who were part of that plot are now just sitting there as part of our federal government with no
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repercussions. and we can assume they would do the same thing again if they had a chance because basically none of them have apologized for their role in it. no one has come forward to say, we shouldn't have done that. that was bad. joe biden won. bad thing we did. and now we have these pressing crises bearing down on us. the most immediate and threatening being the virus. we lost almost another 4,000 people to the virus today. the last wave has been the most deadly and caused even more economic devastation. economists and public health experts agree we need a huge rescue package. this is not some left-wing fever dream. the plan that biden proposed -- and i keep saying this because it keeps being remarkable -- it's endorsed by the chamber of commerce. if you've covered washington, d.c., the chamber of commerce is very conservative. they don't like big democratic spending proposals. they are normally a very right-leaning group. and today, even the former trump
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administration's own senior economic adviser came out in support of president biden's $1.9 trillion rescue package, kevin hassett telling cnn that he's in favor of the plan, quote, there are so many businesses treading water, barely hanging on, now they're getting hit by another shock. you could end up in a negative spiral for the economy. we made it through last year without a total utter collapse of gdp because of extremely aggressive stimulus. all of that is true. everyone knows it. president joe biden made his case to the american people today. >> we have to act now. it's not just to meet the moral obligation to treat our fellow obligations with the dignity and respect they deserve. this is an economic imperative, a growing economic consensus that we must act boldly to grow the economy for all americans not just for tomorrow but in the future. >> republicans know that both
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president biden and donald trump's economist are right on this one. they've already voted for rescue packages twice under the previous administration, the first one being the biggest when it was an election year and they wanted the economy to do well. but, again, this faction, that controls a minority of the government, the same one that supported a leader who led an unsuccessful attempt at outright sedition which we're learning more about every day, that party, that coelection and faction is trying to block the economic rescue that we very obviously need. multiple congressional republicans from senator pat toomey, congressional kevin brady have panned biden's proposal as a nonstarter. if that is the way it's going to be, look, there is no other option but to take all legal means necessary including getting rid of the filibuster to just allow the democratic majority to governor because in the absence of that, all of the
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problems, the deep problems that brought us to this point will only get worse. joining me now from the white house north lawn is kate bedingfield. she's a communications director for president biden. kate, it's great to have you on. thank you so much for joining us. >> thanks for having me, chris. >> president biden laid out the logic behind the $1.9 trillion rescue package today and i think in the beginning there was a little bit of a question of, maybe you can get 10 republican votes for this. maybe this can be a -- look, we all realize this has to happen. am i wrong to feel like that sense is slipping away? what's your read on it? what's the white house's read on it? >> i think you're wrong, chris. as you said, this is a package that has gotten support from the chamber of commerce, the business round table, these are -- as you said, these are traditionally conservative groups who have been very supportive of this package and, look, we are in the midst of a
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tragic crisis in this country. we have 4,000 americans dying every day from this virus. they're dying in blue states, they're dying in red states. the virus doesn't see party. the virus doesn't see partisan lines. and people all across the country, americans expect their leaders, including republicans, to move to support a package that's going to help get this virus under control, it's going to get direct relief into the hands of people who need it. it's going to extend unemployment insurance. it's going to get money that we need for vaccines. look, chris, first and foremost, this is a package designed to fund a national vaccination plan. this is a package that is going to help get shots into the arms of the american people. this is critically badly needed help and we have every reason to believe that republicans are going to support it because we're in a crisis moment in this country. >> i'm just going to bracket
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that, whether there's every reason to believe that republicans will support it based on history, but there is a call that the white house is conducting this weekend that i thought it was interesting. there's a caucus that's formed in the senate and there's going to be seven democrats and eight members of the republican party on the call including people like mitt romney and susan collins and lisa murkowski and joe manchin. what's the idea about that call and what does that mean in terms of the crucial tipping point of those members? >> sure, well, the idea is to talk about how this package is going to help people in their states, walk through some of the key provision that is are going to make a difference in people's lives, that are going to help people who are struggling to put food on the table, who are struggling to pay their rent. we have americans across this country in incredibly dire circumstances through no fault of their own because this crisis has hammered them.
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the idea behind this meeting is to walk through how this package is going to help people, how it's going to help the communities not have to make a decision between whether they keep firefighters or essential workers on the job or fund vaccinations. they're going to talk through how this money is going to make a difference in the lives of their constituents. so, look, president biden has said from the outset that he believes that we can get republican support for this package, that people demand it, people all across the country. remember, president biden ran on a message of unity and won a historic number of votes, 81 million votes, based on the idea that leadership should be about bringing people to the table, about finding consensus, about getting things done. it's not just unity for unity's sake. it's unity to get things done, to get relief into the hands of people who need it. he's going to continue to work. we, as the white house, are
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going to continue to work with members of both parties to try to get this bill done and to move quickly because we need the funding for the vaccine, we need people to be able to get vaccinated, and people all across the country need the relief that this bill would provide. >> if this is true, what you're saying, the urgency of this, which i'm persuaded of, this is actually urgent, the question becomes, like, is it urgent enough that you do whatever it takes procedurally if you have the votes? this is from the new chair of the budget committee in the senate, bernie sanders, who says, when republicans control the senate, they used the reconciliation process to provide huge tax cuts for the rich. we're going to use it to protect working families, the sick and the poor. will you do what it takes to pass this if you have 50 votes? >> look, again, our strong preference, the president's preference, what we're working toward here is bipartisan support for this bill. absolutely no question about it.
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it is urgent and certainly if the senate and the house keep reconciliation on the table as an option, that's understandable. this is an urgent crisis and at the end of the day the thing that is most important is that we need to get this bill done. we need to get this money into the hands of people all across the country who need it. so, again, the president's preference and the thing that he's working toward is getting republican support for this bill. but there's no question this is an urgent, urgent crisis and there may be multiple ways to get to passage. but that does not mean that the president is not wholly committed to working to get republican votes. >> all right. kate bedingfield there from the white house. thank you for joining us. come back whenever there's a lot to talk about. appreciate it. >> thanks for having me. i appreciate it. for more on the urgency to get things done quickly, let's turn to ezra klein from the "new york times." he's an opinion columnist there at the "new york times."
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his latest op-ed is called "democrats how to lose in 2022." and adam serwer is joining us as well. ezra, you wrote a column calling on democrats to move swiftly and kind of clearly to help people and i thought -- i just want to read this section because it jumps off of the point here about speed which is of the essence. three principles should guide their efforts, they need to help people fast, they need to take politics seriously, recognizing the defeat in 2022 will result in catastrophe, they need to talk about the importance of democracy, deepen american democracy. let's talk about that first point which to me seems very pressing at this moment. >> if you go back to 2009, which is the last time -- the last session in which they had a governing trifecta. they make a couple of mistakes they look back on with some regret. they allow republicans to
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filibuster almost everything. they get slowed down, they end up -- they get a lot less done. second, they make things very complex in part to get republican votes, the mitt romney model, they thought they might get some republicans. they didn't. and things take a long time to come into play. the affordable care act took four years to begin delivering health care. in the stimulus, they had a tax cut in there that was built to be invisible. it was designed so people didn't notice it was happening under the theory that it would get spent more effectively they way. democrats have no room for error. they have 50 seats in the senate. if they lose one in 2022, they have no more governing capacity. and they recognize that bipartisan help is going to be quite unlikely. there's a lot of pressure on the
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democratic side to do things that are big, do things people know are out there, know are helping them and do them fast enough they can help them maintain seats in 2022. >> the big question here, adam, the central truth about american politics right now, to me, at least, which is true before the inauguration, after, there is a coalition, one of the two big ones, empowered by constitutional structures, a faction of which is essentially radicalizing against democracy and towards minority rule and that's the ground truth that everything revolves around and i wonder if the biden white house understands that. >> i hope they do. look, you go back to franklin roosevelt. when he took office in a period where authoritarian governments were taking control all over the earth. democracy was supposed to be an outdated system. i didn't work anymore. it couldn't meet the problems of
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modern life. and franklin roosevelt came in and made the government work for people. he gave a radio address where he said democracy will save itself by proving itself to the average man and woman that it is worth saving. that's biden's task right now. it's more important for him to show americans that the government -- that democracy can work otherwise enough people will turn to someone who says, look, i don't believe in democracy very much, but i can help you. everybody is corrupt. but at least i'm your corrupt guy. and so it's a dangerous moment. it's imperative not just in terms of relief, but in terms of preserving our system of government that biden not allow the opposition party to prevent any aid from getting to the american people who need it. >> yeah, i think the three of us agree on that point and it goes to what you were writing too, that delivering things for people at this point, at this moment of peril, we just got out of the car wreck.
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we're still shaking ourselves off from what happened. we have a new story tonight about how close things came. we're going to get to that in a second. delivering tangible results is an imperative for reinvigorating the health of the system that has been badly shaken. >> yeah, and it's really important how you think about reinvigorating the system. there's a book i talk about in there, but their argument is that populists feed off of ineffective governments. one thing that is dangerous after a populous figure, they often want to show the populism that the populist is gone by restoring decorum. if the populist went too far, they want to show they're not going to do that. they'll be very bipartisan and that feeds the exactist function that got you the populist in the first place. if government is not helping people, then people will not believe in that government and that opens the window for
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someone like donald trump to come in. one of the arguments i make in this piece and i hope folks in the white house are thinking about, they cannot stop the next donald trump. by the way, there's a whole congress, republican conference in the congress of people willing to be the next donald trump. they can't stop the next donald trump by letting republicans block everything the next two years. the way to stop the next donald trump is to show that when democrats are governing, people's lives are better and not incidentally to ensure that people have the right to vote, d.c. statehood. this should be a democracy. you want to make it a democracy for those for whom it isn't and who are often voiceless when it comes to a senate election. >> yeah, and there's also just the fact that, look, there's going to be a certain opposition -- this is another lesson that adam and ezra and i all learn covering 2009. they're going to oppose you basically on almost everything. marco rubio saying this is a
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radical leftist agenda will not help unify the country. it will confirm people's fears about the new administration. the chamber of commerce endorsed this. kevin hassett today endorsed it. >> republicans know that the deeper the hole that is leftover from this in 2022, they know the deeper the hole, the bigger the gains for republicans in congress. people are going to punish the governing party in the governing party can't governor. if they've not internalized, they will be in big trouble in 2022 and they will be the only one who is are in trouble. our system of government, our democracy will be in trouble. >> yeah, this is a -- this is really, really important. i'm glad you guys made time for us. ezra klein, adam serwer, great to talk to you both. right as we were going to air, the "new york times" broke
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a bananas story about donald trump attempting to sort of stage a coup at the department of justice to get rid of the attorney general, to put in a dude who was willing to try to use the department of justice to overturn the election in georgia. the "new york times" reporter who broke that story joins me next. don't go anywhere. don't go anywhere. it's either testing an array of advanced safety systems. or it isn't. it's either the peace of mind of a standard unlimited mileage warranty. or it isn't. for those who never settle, it's either mercedes-benz certified pre-owned. or it isn't. the mercedes-benz certified pre-owned sales event. now through march 1st. shop online or drop by your local dealer today. we're all finding ways to keep moving. but how do we make sure the direction we're headed is forward? at fidelity, you'll get the planning and advice to prepare you for the future,
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with all that we know about donald trump's attempts to
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overturn the election, there are stories to be told about his behavior that have the ability to shock, to make you pick your jaw off the floor. katy bennett of the "new york times" that has this story. the justice department's top leaders listened in silence this month, one of their peers had devised a plan with president donald j. trump to oust geoffrey a. rosen as the acting attorney general and wield the department's power to force georgia state lawmakers to overturn its presidential election results. the unassuming lawyer who worked on the plan, jeffrey clark, had been devising ways to cast doubts on the election results and bolster mr. trump's continuing legal battles. because he didn't carry out those plans, mr. trump was about to decide whether to fire mr. rosen and replace him with
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mr. clark. the reporter joins me now. first of all, incredible, incredible reporting here. i had to read the story three times to make sure i was understanding it. but walk us through the story. what did you find? >> sure, it's very much like what you said in your introduction. it precipitated this crisis within the justice department when you saw one of the top leaders of the department basically working with president trump to see if there was something that could be done at the department in order to overturn the results of the election. now, this person, jeffrey clark, had been rebuffed many times by jeff rosen. they said, this cannot continue. on new year's eve they had a pretty stern conversation with him which they really tried to understand why he refused to -- that nobody had seen fraud. it was something that bill barr had said privately and publicly
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to the president. and jeffrey clark having told them he reads a lot of things on the internet said that he disagreed with them and he continued. >> so this -- okay, you've got -- rosen is the acting ag after barr leaves. clark is the head of the civil rights division, which is in department -- >> head of the civil division. >> my bad. the civil division. >> it defends the administration in court. >> yeah, that's a very -- that's a big part of the department of justice. that is up near the top of the leadership. and he apparently was like introduced to trump by a pennsylvania politician and they start interacting for clark to be trump's guy in the department of justice to oust rosen so they could ride into georgia with the doj to, like, write some letter on doj letter head to say, you, georgia, must overturn your
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results? >> yes, first mr. clark asked mr. rosen to do it as the acting attorney general. when that didn't work, he had a conversation with mr. trump in which he came away from that conversation thinking that trump would replace rosen with himself and then he offered mr. rosen the opportunity to remain at the department as his deputy. >> he hatches a department of justice coup with the president and offering him -- the boss is going to make me the head of the department of justice so -- this is my words, not yours. i'm characterizing. the boss is going to make me the head of the justice department so we can make this coup. you can stick around as my deputy, but this is what's going to happen. but there's a meeting in the white house with clark, rosen and the president? >> yes. and this is unusual times because it happened on january 3rd which is the exact same date that georgia secretary of state released, you know -- leaked the
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audio of his phone call the prior day with mr. trump. so you have the entire world listening to the audio of trump and the secretary of state in georgia having this bizarre conversation which trump makes so clear that he wants georgia to change its mind, change its mind to find votes that would make him the winner. and at the same time you have a split screen with this meeting taking place on sunday evening where the president has set up an interesting situation where he has both mr. clark and mr. rosen there before him to present their competing visions for what the department should be doing. it was described by two different officials, former administration officials, as almost a bizarre version of the "the apprentice" in which they were -- which one had a better plan. >> so what -- it sounds to me from reading your article that enough people at doj get read into this plan that they
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essentially rebel en masse and threaten to all quit if it's pulled off, is that right? >> we'll go through the chronology. midday sunday, jeff clark says to the attorney general -- acting attorney general rosen, i believe that the president is going to remove you and put me in your spot. and then a few hours later, mr. rosen's deputy, the deputy attorney general calls an emergency conference call with the remaining top leaders of the department. he reads them into what's going on. he explains what mr. clark has been up to and they discuss what they're going to do if in the coming hours the president fires jeffrey rosen and replaces him with mr. clark. they decide the only option is to leave and that was powerful information. in this meeting with the president that happened a couple of hours later, other officials including the head of olc, they were able to tell the president, listen, if you do this plan, it's going to blow up this way,
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kind this kind of chaos at the justice department. nobody else is going to pay attention to the jeff clark letter to georgia, they will be paying attention to the fact that you have created a saturday massacre and that was one of the compelling arguments to mr. trump. >> okay. one last part of this, a little bit more of the puzzle. there's this crazy thing that happens, right, which is that the u.s. attorney in atlanta abruptly resigns amidst all of this. and everybody thinks, well, that's weird. it looks like there's something afoot here. and we've been getting more and more reporting on it. it seems that resignation which was essentially because he refused to -- prosecute some nonexistent voter fraud, that was connected to this entire undertaking. >> well, i mean, i think what we saw was that the president was
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very, very obsessed with georgia and the counties that included the city of atlanta which is where that u.s. attorney's office was and where that u.s. attorney served. it was -- he was informed not as part of any knowledge of what was going on with jeff clark or this strange plan to get rid of the attorney general, he had been told separately that former president trump was very obsessed with the district and it was not going to be tenable for him to stay on. he could stay at the u.s. attorney's office, but he wouldn't be able to be the head of the office because of all the heat. and he did not feel he wanted to be in a position where he was scrutinized by the president. >> just for the final -- to put the point on this. i want to make sure i understand the plot here. the idea was that the president was going to fire the acting attorney general, a guy who was just serving for a small amount of time after barr resigned, replace him with the head of the civil division, this individual
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named jeffrey clark who was sympathic to the president's conspiracy theory, completely fraudulent conspiracy theory, and use the department of justice to essentially structure georgia legislatures on behalf of the department that they had to overturn their election? >> well, no, to structure georgia legislators that the department was investigating serious allegations of voter fraud that it made it likely that the electoral results in their state would not stand and advised them that they should act accordingly. >> i see. i see. this would be -- this would give them -- it would give them some of the evidence that he could point to so sympathic lawmakers could say, look, the department of justice is here and now we're going to have to go and, you know, not seat these electors or uncertify the results. >> correct. and keep in mind that such a
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letter to georgia legislators would be completely opposite of what the former attorney general, bill barr, had said at a press conference, he didn't see the kind of fraud that would change the results of an election. it was be in opposition that jeffrey rosen had told the president for weeks previously. bill barr announced that he would be leaving the department on a monday and that he would be there for another week. jeff rosen's people thought he would have a little bit of a reprieve because bill would be in the building for a week. but the president hauled jeff rosen into the oval office the next day to ask him to appoint a special counsel to look into
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dominion, to look into voter fraud in general and to file -- have the department file legal briefs that supported the things that his team was doing in court. so that pressure campaign started not after jeffrey rosen became the acting attorney general, but it started the day after jeffrey rosen was announced to soon become the acting attorney general. >> the whole article is up on the "new york times,". what a remarkable bit of reporting. truly incredible scoop and a shocking set of facts that you have unearth and presented to the world. thank you for taking time with us. >> thank you so much for paying attention to the strange end of the trump era. of course, the president's efforts there to overturn the election which he tried in a million different ways and we're learning more about it, it ends up culminating on january 6th.
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he's failed to bully brad rafens berg in georgia and telling a crowd to march to the capitol. that results, of course, in the capitol riot and siege, five people are dead, including a police officer, hundreds now have been arrested. and the president is then impeached for his incitement of that insurrection, of that riot. one of the house impeachment managers when that case starts february 8th is congresswoman diana degette. the democrat from colorado, and she joins me now. i know that "the times" reporting is outside the purview of the specific charge. but it is of a piece with the pattern of behavior that begins before the election, into election night, after the election and up until the
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incitement of the riot. just your reaction to this new revelation. >> chris, thanks for having me. i will tell you, this is just part and parcel of what donald trump was trying to do, which was find any way he could to overturn the results of a fair and legal election in this country. and when i just saw this "new york times" story, it's part of the whole conspiracy that he had to try to stop the counting of the ballots, to try to stop the certification which as you say culminated in him inciting -- inviting the crowd to washington, inciting the crowd to come to the capitol and then doing nothing after they got here. it was very, very dangerous. and the more -- the more facts that come out like this, it just shows how desperate he was.
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>> we got clearer timing today on the trial itself. my understanding is that those -- the article, the single article, will be walked over to the senate on monday. it will be read into the record on tuesday. and then there will be a pause and the trial will start on february 8th. that was a deal that was struck by senator schumer and mcconnell, to start it there. what is your and the impeachment manager's preparation look like right now? >> we were all appointed by speaker pelosi on the day the house passed the impeachment article. we've been working every day since then as a team. we're ready to go to trial. we were ready to go to trial last week. and so it looks like now senator schumer is going to accept the articles and then give a couple of weeks. even more evidence, like this "new york times" article, will probably come out. so we're ready to go. we think we have a strong case
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that is -- here it all unfolded right there on tv and social media. and we really have to convict donald trump and we have to make sure he can never run for office again. somebody trying to manipulate the department of justice which is supposed to be the independent legal watchdog for our country is just appalling. >> there are buckets of evidence that we've been collecting, right, since the actual thing unfolded. and i wanted to ask you about two of them. one of them is, i don't know if it's evidence so much, but there are multiple people who have now been arrested who have said, as part of their official defense like donald trump told me i could do this. donald trump invited me. we thought we were there at the president. we have recordings of people in the capitol saying, we're here from the president. the president invited us. is that evidence to you? is that the kind of thing that you want to present to the jury to make this case?
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>> sure, it's part of the evidence of the conspiracy. and, again, these people are just confirming what we already knew which is donald trump told them in advance, come to washington on january 6th. stop the counting of the certified election results by the states. then he invited them to the white house and at the white house he said to them, we're going to march up to the capitol and we're going to stop the counting of the results. it's just -- it's so -- it's in such plain evidence that you almost forget that it's just incitement of the riot that happened and an attempt to stop the democratic counting of this certified results. >> final question, there's other evidence that i think we have an incomplete picture of that i would like to see which is, his
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resistance to calling it off. there's reporting saying he's watching it, calls from various lawmakers saying you have to do something, you have to make a statement, you have to let the national guard get over there, and i wonder how much that evidence plays as well? >> well, we do have evidence already that he did nothing while the riot was happening in the capitol, while people like me and most of the senators were all running for our lives. and we have evidence that he was just sitting there watching it happily. again, more evidence is coming out. in a way, the impeachment managers without going into how we're structuring our case, we have an abundance of evidence -- and frankly, chris, the american people have seen all of this evidence on tv and on social media. >> yes, it was a crime committed in plain daylight on national
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television. thank you so much for making time tonight. >> thank you for having me. all right. lots more to get to this evening. don't go anywhere. we'll be right back.
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for your free information kit i'm proud to be a part of aag. i trust 'em. i think you can too. call now! yesterday president joe biden unveiled his administration's plan to ramp up the fight against coronavirus signing new executive orders to lay that groundwork for a federalized response. the quote of the day came from a source saying they had to start from scratch in building a vaccine distribution plan. that's not strictly true insofar as just yesterday, the united states administered 1.3 million vaccine doses and another 1.4 million today. but everything we've done up until now has been distributed down to the states and totally insufficient. when it comes to building a sufficient federal centralized response creating the infrastructure to sustain that, well, yes, the biden
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administration is basically building that from scratch. what that can and should look like, i want to bring in dr. peter hotez, co-director of the texas children's hospital center for vaccine development and working on a coronavirus vaccine. let's start, doctor, with the scale of the problem and what the timeline should be. as president-elect biden had pledged 100 million doses in the first 100 days. that's not ambitious enough. what should the number be? what should we be targeting? >> yeah, chris, here are what the numbers look like. we have to vaccinate three-quarters of the u.s. population in order to have any hope of interrupting virus transmission. we know those who get vaccinated, it will save their lives in terms of keeping them out of the hospital and the icu, but to do the second part to interrupt transmission, we have
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to vaccinate three-quarters of the u.s. population. that's roughly 240 million people many of those vaccines are two doses. you're looking at half a billion immunizations. if you want to do that by the summer, we're talking five or six months. so that 100 million over 100 days, if you divide 500 million by five or six months, it's a hundred million a month. we have to get to around 3 million immunizations a day. i think it's great that they set some targets. it's good to throw a number out there and good to have goals. but the real numbers are actually far higher and i know the biden administration gets it. they're working aggressively to put that infrastructure in place. >> right. so that -- that's very useful for me as a benchmark. if we're hitting 3 million a day, we're on track, if we're short of that, we're not. we need to get up to that. i know you looked at the biden
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plan, there's money in this covid relief bill if it gets passed. what's the difference between where we are now and 3 million a days in terms of what has to happen? >> well, you know, if you look at the target that we really have to reach, remember, we have to do that in a hurry because we have new virus variants coming along and we want to immunize before they continue to accumulate. and we've only administered around 20 million doses or so, 20 million divided by 5 billion, chris, that's a rounding error. we basically haven't done anything. we're starting from zero more or less. so we're going from zero to half a billion. it is one of the most daunting tasks ever faced by an incoming presidential administration. there's a good team in place. it's going to require going beyond the pharmacy hubs and the hospitals, we're going to have to get in some high throughput
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immunization centers and that's being worked in in collaboration with some of the cities and the federal government, and we're going to need additional vaccines. we're not going to have enough of the mrna vaccines to make this happen. we have to get the other vaccinations released through the authorization. that's going to happen pretty quickly as well. >> we got the two right now, moderna and pfizer. there's a johnson & johnson vaccine which is a single shot. it seems key here both from just a supply and also availability that as we're moving into the spring to have three or four or five vaccines that people can get. >> yeah, that's exactly right. and i think we can get there. i think the j&j vaccine will get up soon. we would like some more helping getting our protein vaccine into the u.s. we're scaling it up to make
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1.2 billion doses in collaboration with biological "e" in india. the particle vaccine. it's all possible. a lot of stars are going to have to align. we're also going to need an unprecedented level of communication that is simply there not right now and that's got to ramp up. and probably streamline some of the restrictive guidelines because that's creating a lot of confusion. remember, think high, high throughput and getting a lot of people through as quickly as possible. >> yeah, and the messaging, that's -- it's a great point. we just don't -- there is no blanketing the airwaves of vaccine talk. it just seems like it should be a huge thing that the government is doing, telling people like the vaccines are available, here's how you can get them, they're safe and effective. >> yeah, we have to change the culture. remember, operation warp speed was a good program but it never
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had a communication plan. it was left to the pharma ceos. we should be hearing those pretty regularly. and also, every elected official right now, every public official should be able to answer what are you doing when you wake up in the morning to help the american people get vaccinated? this is gone beyond a public health concern. this is a full-on homeland security crisis. people are scared. they're angry. they're calling sam's club and walmart and rite aid and cvs, how do i get my mom, my brother, how get vaccinated. phones nos answered or say why are you calling us? we don't have any vaccine. this is not a good situation. we're going to have to fix this very quickly. >> dr. peter hotez, thank you for sharing your expertise.
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still to come, objecting to metal detectors in the wake of the capitol riot one caught trying to carry a gun to the floor. that story that was broke by reporter that will join me next. and it's been wonderful. it's so light and so small but it's a fraction of the cost of the other devices. they cost thousands less. it's insanely user friendly. you take the hearing test online, the doctor programs in the settings. you don't even need to go into an office. they're delivered to your door in a few days and you're up and running in no time. it connects via bluetooth to my phone. you can stream music and you can answer phone calls. the audiologist was so incredible she's full of all kinds of little helpful hints i love it. they're a game changer for me. i feel like i can take on anything. it feels great to be in control of my hearing.
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visit for a free demo. hon? first off, we love each other... even after the capitol was attacked by a violent mob seeking to stop the peaceful transfer of power a majority of house republicans 139 along with 8 senate republicans voted to do what that mob wanted. which was to block the seating of the electors that made joe biden president. none of them have expressed remorse or regret. in the house a battle ramp itting up whether republican whose sided with the mob can bring guns on to the house floor. it started when metal detectors were stationed near the house chamber after the riot. some republicans refused to go through them or checked with wands if they set them off. members are not allowed to carry a gun on the house floor.
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republican congressman harris was caught trying to carry a gun on to the floor and barred entry. u.s. capitol police tell nbc news they are investigating. worth noting harris almost got in a fistfight with other members on the night of the riot when democrat conor lamb criticized for those who won election. and the congressman joins me now. it's clear, and i've gotten this largely from your reporting along with others, you know, it was a new thing to put these metal detectors on to the house floor. in the wake of this traumatic event where people were scared. it's become a point of contention, right? where republicans hate it and try to walk around it. what built up to this moment? >> yeah. so the first day after the january 6th riots that installed new metal detectors frankly about half of the republican caucus just ignored it.
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side-stepped it. walked through quickly. i saw, like, ten of them at one point just sort of bum rush the thing and walk through and the cops are kind of in an impossible position, don't know if they have authority to stop the members and make them go through the metal detector. apparently constitutional questions about arresting a member of congress on the way to a vote. there's all sorts of issuing here. they've slowly -- this has been escalating now for two weeks but they've put desks on the sides, ropes and made it a lot more difficult for mobs to bypass security. yesterday the hardest i've seen it and i only saw three people gelt through the security without being wanteded down. there are steep fines coming. eventually $5,000 first time, $10,000 thereafter, but basically it's very difficult for them to get through and harris has been a member sort of
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rushing through, not stopping for the police and yesterday with the new measures in place a cop stood in front of him, blocked him and he was just sort of forced to be wanted down. at that point they found a gun on his side. so this is certainly a concerning thing, particularly as you noted, because he's a member who almost got into a fight two weeks ago. >> so he gets wanted down. they find a gun. a detail you had. just went and tried to give it to a colleague? it was like, i don't want your gun? so i mean i think a normal person going into the house chamber trying to bring a gun, tackled to the ground, arrested. the member of congress, sort of a quick conversation where he's very close to the cop. the cop sort of signals to another officer, he's got a gun on him and harris sort of walks away. in this sort of vestibule area where there's elevators kind of just like milling around.
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i kind of followed him in saw him have a conversation with a republican who's a former u.s. attorney, and he was basically having none of it. basically harris asked him to take his gun for him and he said, i don't have a license for that and not doing it and harris kind of milled a little a little more and made a couple comments, reminding his staff to tell him to take off his gun or something and then got in an elevator and left. seven minutes later was back. i don't know where he put the gown. gun. back in his office, back on the house floor and went through the metal detectors with no problem. >> house rules, can't bring a gun on the floor. places in american life you can't bring a gun. at republicans saying trying to disarm ultimately coming to disarm many, many more. the house floor seems like a good place not to have a gun. i'm just me. a great set of eyes and ears on the house floor thank you for being with us today. >> appreciate it. that is "all in" for this
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week. "the rachel maddow show" starts right now. good evening, thank you, my friend. much appreciated. thanks to you at home for joining us. super happy to have you here on this friday night. show you a thing point of personal privilege. look. that's my mom on the right. and that's her sister, my aunt, on the left. that's the two of them getting vaccinated tonight. my mom is 79. my aunt's 82. i can barely keep it together. my dad is due for his vaccination tomorrow. first people in our family, extended family, to get vaccinated. and tonight here for the interview, for the first time during the coronavirus crisis is the man who at least on a personal level for my family made that possible. i mean, how many people do you know said they would not get vaccinated against the